Monday, June 16, 2008

Where has it gone?

2008 is nearly half way over...where has it all gone? It seems like the year just started and already we've started summer (well, officially in a few days, but you know what I mean).

My oldest turns 17 this coming weekend...hard to believe! She's so grown up and that makes me feel pretty old. She'll be a senior this year and then we have to do the whole college thing. I thought Jesus and I had a deal ... he was supposed to come back before any of my kids got this old. It's kind of hard to deal with - but it is exciting to see them take some steps of independence. Letting go isn't really the hard part - it's the internal debating as to whether or not I did a good enough job raising her so that she can survive in this world - and thrive in her relationship with God. That's the weight I feel now...

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