I've started my next book. I actually started it late last year, just really struggling to find time to put some real effort into it. The research has been on-going since I finished the last book in early 2007, but I haven't been able to organize and put the details into the work that I've done so far. I did have a few sessions of writing time that allowed me to understand this - it's going to be a very important work.
This book will be about the root problem in the world today. Anyone know what it is? The battle between love and selfishness. Jesus gave two commandments that are the foundational principles for every commandment in the Bible: "...love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind... love thy neighbor as thyself" (Matthew 22:7,39). It's no coincidence that both commandments involve love. Love and selfishness are the two greatest forces in life. A person chooses to walk in one or the other every day.
I'll be updating you with progress as things move along...all my fans will be the first to know what is going on!
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