Monday, August 25, 2008


It seems the older I get...the busier I get. I thought it was supposed to be opposite of that! I'm a little frustrated sometimes at the lack of time to do everything I want. Maybe if I only slept for 1 hour each night, I could get more done. We all know that if I slept for only 1 hour, whatever work I did accomplish would not be my best.

I guess I have resolved to try and prioritize things. That said, your (and my) family needs to be a priority. You won't always have your kids, so cherish every moment with them now. Make time to spend time with them...make it a priority. I date my daughters - not often enough - but I want them to know what its like to be with a man that loves and respect them...not one that will take advantage or use them. How would they know the difference unless we teach them? I try to do "guy" stuff with my boys - again, not often enough - so they know what a real man is like, how they behave, how they treat women, etc.

Kids always model the behavior they see - good or bad! Your children are one investment you make that can draw eternal dividends.

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