Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bon Jovi...

You remember him...the 80's glam-rock star. He's still in the news occasionally, but a song of his came to mind recently while I was at a church service. Maybe you remember it..."You give love a bad name". Maybe you think (like I did), that's a really weird thing to be thinking about at church, but I couldn't help myself.

I found myself at the Lakeland Center on Monday night for a revival service with Todd Bentley. Great service - witnessed the supernatural and everything, but I think every weirdo within 500 square miles was there too. That's a little hard to say, as a Christian amongst a sea of 7000 or so others that called themselves Christians. What do I mean by weirdo you may be wondering? The 1970's outfit wearing, tambourine totting, bad t-shirt wearing "Christians" that can't clap on beat. They can act weird, dress weird and talk weird, but can't find a piece of clothing that doesn't have some corny Christian slogan or hand draw phase with glitter. It's people like this that give Christians a bad name. People see them and they just know sense the weirdness. Then they find out they are "Christians" and never want anything to do with church or even God for that matter.

So I decided to re-write the first verse and chorus of Bon Jovi's song in their honor:

An awkward style is what you sell
You promise yourself heaven but put me through hell
Your tambourine is distracting me
It may actually help if you could play it on beat

Whoa! You're not any fun!
Whoa! Your t-shirts are dumb!
No chance to change you, I think I’ll just run

Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
Darlin', you give God a bad name

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